Sarah Berry
Oh, my. Lemme tell ya. Im not quite sure how to approach this one. I mean, yeah, I like it I wouldnt be writing about it if I didnt. And it is a PWP. Short, to the point, and with two women having sex. Though it does not involve a dildo (which I find to be an improvement to any PWP), this story does make mention of er, imaginative use of tennis racquets and Pig Latin (youll just have to read it to find out).
Soooo, whats the catch? Why am I not urging you to go read, enjoy? Well, dont get me wrong, I am I want you to read this story, Id just hate to feel as if though Ive mislead you somehow. See, this story wont necessarily make you hot, as much as itll make you snort. With laughter. Repeatedly.
Sarah has taken the PWP genre (how I love the fact that the PWP has climbed up the evolutionary scale of literary refuse to become a genre) and kept the two main ingredients (women having sex in short order after accepting inexplicable attraction to each other) but added a unique and fresh voice to create a PWP unlike any before. Well, unlike any Ive had a chance to read beforehand.
Its funny, its different, its short and I like it. What else could you ask for? Go read, and do drop Sarah a line or two of thanks. If your mother didnt teach you proper manners, the thank you in wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am is not there without a reason.