"Lilla's Little Adventure"
Okay, folks, this has GOT to be one of the best Xena fan fiction stories I have ever read. By far. And, yes, you have guessed it, Charmer don't live here no more. Or, more to the point, the author ain't writing any more. Which makes this offering that more special.
What can I tell you? Stories like this one are the reason you will not find a great deal of recommendations on this website. There is a great number of stories I've read, liked, sent a link to a few friends, but only a very, very few select ones are of the quality of "Lilla's Little Adventure". And since I do not have a "Most Highly Recommended" through "Ach, read it" kind of a rating system set up, I'll only put up exceptional fiction which has truly left me awed.
...Well, that, and stories with really good sex scenes in them. You know. The important stuff.
But, back to Charmer. As you might have gleamed from the title of the peace, "Lilla's Little Adventure" is a first-person tale told from the viewpoint of Gabrielle's younger sister. Who the hell cares? Oh, but read on, gentle reader.
Not only is this story imaginative and fresh (freshness being a very important thing to an orally-fixated person such as I), it is also by far one of the funniest I've read. I also want to point out that, though I did laugh straight (a figure of speech, not to worry, I'm as queer as Hillary Clinton) through the sex scene, it was nothing to laugh *at*. It was quite nice, really.
So, in short, Gabrielle and Xena go to visit the bard's family, and daddy's none too happy about it. Lilla gets to tell us all about it. That's it in a nutshell.
What you won't get from this review (beside my askew view of life) is an appropriate description of the quality of writing and just how damn *funny* this story is. But if you're too uptight to go for the funny stuff, I shall have to add that this story also shows us a very touching, close side to the Xena/Gabrielle relationship, before the demon baby from hell and Fifth Season (or the Plague, as I like to call it) happened.
If by any chance you haven't read this story before now, I am expecting a written expression of gratitude. And while you're at it, go bug Charmer for more. The reclusive types are actually suckers for attention. Really.
It should also be noted that I have refrained from any farm animal jokes in this review. I think it made me a better person. I'm sure you appreciate it as well.