A Simple Twist of Fate





Wooooo, bay-be!


You want a hot read?  You want Xena and Gabrielle doing the Warlord/Slave thing?  You want true love to boot? 


Lawd.  I, uh, had another one of those ‘lemme re-read this to remind myself, during work’ brilliant ideas and now…  Now I’m stuck at work for another 5 hours with nothing (no one?) to do and *ALL* this pent up,… well, frustration really.


Good thing I’m starting kick-boxing classes tonight.


It’s hot.  It’s a really, really hot read.  And I know I repeat myself, but let me tell you – this story’s quite hot.  Oh, and I have insider information that the author herself doesn’t really like honey, so when you go writing to her in gushing awe, please do not make any… forward suggestions.





Big thanks to NAFANEX who was kind enough to forward this piece o’ smut in my direction _while_ complimenting my site.  Really, sweet-talkin’ will get you places, hon.  Thanks again, and keep ‘em coming.  Heh.  Coming.  Heh.  Get it?  Coming?



A Simple Twist of Fate