After the Volcano


Mary Morgan


Gasp! Go, go run for the covers! The bed covers! Jump under them! Go, hurry, and be sure to undress!

What is Xenalicious doing reviewing a GENERAL story?

Beats me.

Oh, ok. Fine. So, no – we do not have explicit:

  1. professions of undying love of the said Xena to the said Gabrielle
  2. expressions of physical love told in glorious detail
  3. gratuitous nudity of two female bodies in close proximity

Nope. None of that. Not even a nice fight scene, to give us a glimpse of warrior muscles and skin slick with sweat, heavy breathing and fiery looks…

Nada. Zilch.

And yet I want you to go read this story. I want you to read it because this is the epitome of all that’s really great about this show (well, except the sexual innuendo, exposed skin and rousing fight scenes which are, sadly, missing from this story…). I am talking about love. Non-physical love. Love between two women and the bond that has kept innumerable viewers glued to the screens for six years (though so many of us are still in therapy because we wake up with night sweats mumbling "Five is the Devil’s number, Five is the Devil’s number!"), and the lengths through which two people are willing to go to secure that relationship.

This is a beautiful story, very touching, very simple (in that most complex of the ways), and it’ll leave you feeling proud to be a Xenite. G’wan, now. Go! Read. Nah, I’m okay. It’s just a… a – an ant, an ant fell in my eye, and it’s squirming around. Really. I’ll be fine. But you, you need to go and read "After the Volcano", again if you must, because I just gave in to mushiness and it must not go unpunished. Go. Go now, before I make you read "Tropical Storm" again!

Good. Off you go…